新约 - 希伯来书(Hebrews)第11章

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended for.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.
By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.
For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
By faith Abraham, even though he was past age--and Sarah herself was barren--was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise.
And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.
All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.
People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.
If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.
Instead, they were longing for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son,
even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned."
Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future.
By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.
By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions about his bones.
By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.
By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter.
He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.
He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.
By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.
By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.
By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.
By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.
By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets,
who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions,
quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection.
Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison.
They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated--
the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.
These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.
God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.
希伯来书第十一章   来 11:1> 这实底、这确据,和所谈的信心是如何扯上的? 

  11:1 还记得年幼时生日快将来临时的感受吗?你是多么兴奋和焦急,知道将可以大吃一顿,或收到礼物。生日联接起把握和期望,信心也是一样。信心是基于过去的经验,深信神又新又活的赏赐必定是我们的。 

  来 11:1> 信心何所指?我对神的信心…… 

  11:1 信心可以用两个词来形容:确信和肯定。这两个条件都要有确定的起点和终点。信心的起点就是相信神的性格──祂就是祂所自称的神;而终点就是相信神的应许──祂会成就祂所说的话。即使我们现在看不到神应许的实现,但仍然相信祂会成就应许,这就是真正的信心(参约 20:24-31 )。 

  来 11:3> 祂说有光就有光,祂说……你可听到祂对你生命的呼召? 

  11:3 神从无变有,创造了这个宇宙,祂要怎样成就,事就怎样成就了。我们相信神用话来创造整个宇宙,祂的话有令人敬畏的能力。你倾听和回应祂的话语没有?你知道要怎样去预备自己晓得回应神的话吗?现在就行动吧! 

  来 11:4> 亚伯与该隐,他们的事可真传奇…… 

  11:4 该隐和亚伯是亚当和夏娃的头两个儿子(参创 5 章; 6 章人物介绍),亚伯献上蒙神悦纳的祭,但该隐的祭物却不蒙悦纳,因为亚伯所献的祭是带血的祭,而且他有正确的献祭态度。 

  来 11:6> 信而寻求,还有更多的追求,不是说只要信便足够吗? 

  11:6 连魔鬼也相信神存在(参雅 2:19-20 ),所以,这只是一个开端,只承认神的存在并不能叫神满意,祂希望与我们建立个别的、有活力的、能改变生命的关系。“寻求神”的人,将会得到赏赐,就是能与神亲近。 

  来 11:6> 如果有人因未听过福音而不信,那…… 

  11:6 有时候,我们也希望知道未曾听闻基督或没有机会读圣经的人将来会怎样,神向我们保证,凡恳切寻求祂的人,也就是按着对神的认识、凭信心行事的人,将会得着赏赐。当你向别人传福音时,要鼓励他们诚恳努力地寻找真理。听过福音的人,要为所听过的福音负责(参林后 6:1-2 )。 

  来 11:7> 顺服,有时会招来人的嘲笑,就如挪亚,你还顺服吗? 

  11:7 挪亚经历过被排斥、拒绝,因为他有别于他的邻舍。神吩咐他在旱地上建造一艘大船,即使这命令看似愚蠢,他仍然服从(参创 7 章人物介绍)。挪亚的顺服,使他在邻舍中间看来古怪,就好像初信基督的犹太人的处境一样。当你顺服神的时候,就算别人认为你怪异,也不必诧异,因为你的顺服显出他们的不顺服。要谨记,神要我们做事,就必定赐我们足够的力量去完成那工作。 

  来 11:8-10> 有一天,神或会这样吩咐我,我要想想,该如何回答…… 

  11:8-10 亚伯拉罕的一生充满着信心(参创 17 章人物介绍)。他毫无怀疑地顺服神,照着神的吩咐离开家园前往另一个地方(参创 12:1-4 )。他对神与他所立的约深信不疑(参创 12:2-3 ; 13:14-16 ; 15:1-6 )。亚伯拉罕顺服神,甚至愿意将儿子以撒献给神(参创 22:1-19 )。倘若神要求你离开熟悉、有安全感的环境,按祂的旨意而行,你不要觉得惊讶。 

  来 11:11-12> 不得了!如果你是撒拉,也许你也会如此…… 

  11:11-12 撒拉是亚伯拉罕的妻子(参创 17 章人物介绍),虽然他们已结婚多年,却没有孩子。神应许赐他们一个儿子,但撒拉却认为自己年纪老迈,不可能会怀孕。起初她窃窃偷笑,后来终于相信了(参创 18 章)。 

  来 11:13> 在世上我们只是客旅而已,但我舍不得啊…… 

  11:13 我们在世上是客旅、是“寄居的”,世界不是我们的家,也非我们永久居留之处(参彼前 1:1 );故我们不应过分追求地上的物质与财富,以免忘却神的命令。 

  来 11:13-16> 更美的家乡,对你来说是一个遥不可及的远象,是一个属灵术语而已,或是还有其他…… 

  11:13-16 经文中所列出的信心伟人,在离世前都没有得到神所应许的东西,但他们没有失去对天家的盼望。许多基督徒因为在信主的时候,他们的需要、欲望、期待、要求没有立刻实现,便感到灰心、气馁,失去了忍耐的信心,甚至想离神而去。当你看目标似乎遥不可及时,或许也会失去信心。应当向这些信心英雄学习,他们虽然在离世之前仍未看到信心的果实,却仍然继续信靠神( 11:36-39 )。 

  来 11:17-19> 放弃所有,甚或至爱──可是人间的一切好像蛮吸引的,我,我神,我…… 

  11:17-19 纵然神吩咐亚伯拉罕将儿子献给祂,他仍然愿意顺服(参创 22:1-19 )。神只想试验他的信心,并没有取去他儿子的性命,相反,藉着以撒祂使亚伯拉罕的后裔成为大国。假若你害怕将最宝贵的东西、梦想甚或所爱的人交托给神,就应当以亚伯拉罕为学习的榜样。他愿意为神放弃一切,所以能得着超过他所想所求的赏赐,不过,赏赐往往不会立即来到,也不见得是物质上的。其实,物质财宝应当是令人满足的最小赏赐,最好和最大的赏赐,正在永恒的天家里等待着我们。 

  来 11:20> 关于以色列重要人物的历史,你知道多少?── 

  11:20 以撒是神在亚伯拉罕和撒拉年老的时候应许赐给的儿子(参创 22 章人物介绍)。藉着以撒,神成就了祂给亚伯拉罕的应许,使他有无数的后裔。以撒生了雅各和以扫这对双生子,神拣选了次子雅各,藉他延续给亚伯拉罕的应许。 

  来 11:21> 离世前的雅各所持定的信心,竟是这样的…… 

  11:21 雅各是以撒的儿子、亚伯拉罕的孙子。雅各的十二个儿子成为以色列十二支派的列祖。即使雅各在异乡寿终之前,仍然相信神的应许:亚伯拉罕的子孙多如海边的沙,以色列必成为大国(参创 48:1-22 )。真正的信心使我们的盼望超越死亡。(有关以扫和雅各的生平,请参创 26 章; 27 章的人物介绍。) 

  来 11:22> 这个约瑟跟其父一样,生命可真精彩…… 

  11:22 约瑟是雅各众子中的一个(参创 36 章人物介绍),他的哥哥们因为忌妒的缘故将他卖作奴隶(参创 37 章),到了埃及,他再被卖给法老王的护卫长。不过,由于他对神有信心,在埃及得到崇高的地位。虽然他可以利用自己的高位来建立个人的王国,但是他记念神对亚伯拉罕所作的应许。他在临终前,把家人叫到跟前,向他们提出一个要求,就是当以色列人离开埃及时,要将他的骸骨带到应许之地(参创 50:24-25 )。信心就是在任何环境中都相信神,遵行祂的旨意。 

  来 11:23> 竟把婴儿摩西放在水里,对于他的父母,你如何看? 

  11:23 摩西的父母将儿子的生命交托给神,相信神必会看顾他们的儿子。作父母的,要信靠神必会看顾自己的儿女。神对每一个人都有一个计划,而父母最重要的工作,就是为儿女祈祷,预备他们去完成神的计划。信心让我们将儿女也交托给神。 

  来 11:24-28> 纵有华美皇宫,甘离开;纵有人间荣华,甘舍弃,这个摩西是为了什么?若换了是我…… 

  11:24-28 摩西成为以色列人伟大的领袖、先知和律法颁布者(参出 14 章人物介绍)。但他出生时,他的族人正在埃及作奴隶,埃及的法老王更下令杀害所有的希伯来男婴。不过,因神奇妙的安排,摩西得以幸免,法老的女儿更在皇宫中将他养育成人(参出 1-2 章)。摩西必须凭信心才能放弃在王宫中的地位,他成功了,他看清楚财富和声誉只是过眼云烟。我们很容易被财富、声誉、地位、成就的短暂利益所蒙蔽,而看不见天国永恒的福乐。信心帮助我们超越属世的价值观,看到天国永恒的价值。 

  来 11:31> 妓女喇合或被世人看轻,神却用她;你的生命仿似一无是处?你如何看? 

  11:31 当约书亚计划攻打耶利哥城时,先派了两个探子去窥探那城墙,探子们遇见外族妓女喇合(参书 2 章人物介绍),喇合相信神,接待探子,相信神在毁灭耶利哥城的时候,必定会存留她和她的一家。信心帮助我们改变自己,并且使我们可以不再顾虑自己以往的历史或别人接纳与否,只管做正确的事。 

  来 11:32-35> 数风云人物,还看圣经── 

  11:32-35 旧约记载了不少曾经历这些胜利的人物的生平:底波拉打胜仗(参士 4-5 章);约书亚战胜列国(参书 12 章);尼希米善于治理神的百姓(参尼 5 章);但以理在狮子坑中不受伤害(参但 6 章);沙得拉、米煞和亚伯尼歌在烈火中不受伤害(参但 3 章);以利亚逃过王后耶洗别的追杀(参王上 19:2-18 );希西家在病后更刚强(参王下 20 章);基甸在战争中有大能(参士 7 章);先知以利沙将寡妇的儿子救活(参王下 4:8-37 )。 


  来 11:32-40> 经上几人,经历坎坷,信心从何而来?若我的遭遇也是如此…… 

  11:32-40 这几节经文总结了信心伟人生命的特性,他们经历了特别的胜利,甚至胜过死亡,有些被苦待、残虐,甚至被杀害。对神有坚定不移的信心,并不保证我们能过快乐和无忧无虑的生活。相反,我们的信心差不多肯定会令我们被世界伤害,我们仍活在世上的时候,可能看不见受苦的目的,但要知道神必会成就祂的应许。你的信心是否建基于神必会成就应许这个确据上? 

  来 11:35-38> 不!不!苦难不会也不应临到我身上的──当人家都这样想的时候,你…… 

  11:35-38 很多人以为基督徒不会经历痛苦,当苦难临到时,他们会问:“为什么是我?”以为神离弃了他们,或许认为神不再值得倚靠了。其实,我们生活在罪恶世界里,即使是信徒也仍然会遭遇不少苦难,不过,神仍然掌管着世界。神让一些信徒为信仰而殉道,让另一些信徒胜过迫害。我们不应该问:“为什么是我?”,反之,要问更有意义的问题:“为什么不是我?”我们的信心跟这个世界的价值观是背道而驰的。如果预计到痛苦和苦难会来临,当苦难真正临到时,我们便不会慌张。当知道主耶稣也曾经历苦难,我们的心便可释然了,祂明白我们的恐惧、软弱和失望( 2:16-18 ; 4:14-16 ),应许永不离弃我们(参太 28:18-20 ),又为我们代求( 7:24-25 )。遭遇痛苦,迫害或苦难时,我们应完全信靠基督,专一信靠祂。 

  来 11:39-40> 不会吧,为主做了这许多,仍得不到全部的赏赐,难懂…… 

  11:39-40 本章常称为信心伟人名录。毫无疑问,作者的结论是叫读者吃惊的:这些伟大的犹太英雄并没有得到神全部的赏赐,因为他们在基督降世之前已经离世。在神的计划中,他们将会跟那些也经历了不少试炼的基督徒一同得到赏赐。希伯来书在此再次说明基督教超越犹太教。 ──《灵修版圣经注释》