旧约 - 申命记(Deuteronomy)第5章

And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.
The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.
The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire,
(I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying,
I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.
Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.
And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
Neither shalt thou steal.
Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.
These words the LORD spake unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.
And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;
And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth.
Now therefore why should we die? for this great fire will consume us: if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall die.
For who is there of all flesh, that hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we have, and lived?
Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD our God shall say: and speak thou unto us all that the LORD our God shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it.
And the LORD heard the voice of your words, when ye spake unto me; and the LORD said unto me, I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken unto thee: they have well said all that they have spoken.
O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!
Go say to them, Get you into your tents again.
But as for thee, stand thou here by me, and I will speak unto thee all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which thou shalt teach them, that they may do them in the land which I give them to possess it.
Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.
Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.
申命记第五章   第 5 章 

  申 5:1> 听、学、行,是与神建立关系的要素,摩西如此教导以色列人,也在教导我们,我们做了多少? 

  5:1 以色列人已经与神立了约,摩西吩咐他们要聆听、学习、谨守遵行祂的律例典章。基督徒藉着耶稣基督,也与神立了约,应当满足神的期望。摩西对以色列人的三重吩咐,是对于所有属神、信从祂之人的最佳劝告。聆听是指领受吸收从神来的启示;学习是指明白其中的意思和内涵;谨守遵行是指我们将所学到、所明白的,在生活中实践出来。这三部分,都是和神的关系与日俱增的要素。 

  申 5:7> 不可敬拜别的神──我可没有敬别的神──啊,看看你心,你把什么放在首位? 

  5:7 人生活中放在首位的事物,都是他们的神。有些人参加异端邪教,那是明显地敬拜别的神。但有许多人以较不显眼的方式,敬拜了别的神,他们不以独一的真神为中心,只为某些事物而生活,把这些当作他们的神。如果你最大的欲望是声望、权力、或是金钱,你就是专心为别的事效力,不为神而活了。要让神居首位,就必须( 1 )认识在生活中什么事物取代了祂的地位;( 2 )弃绝取代真神的假神,因为他们不配受你的膜拜;( 3 )求神赦免你的罪;( 4 )重新安排你生活中的优先次序,使爱神成为你行事的动机;( 5 )每天自省,好让神居首位。 

  申 5:8-9> 我不为其他东西雕刻偶像,为神总可以吧? 

  5:8-9 如果有人为你拍一张照片,放在镜框里,常常对着它凝视,又给别人欣赏,却不理会你本人的话,你会有何感受?神也不愿意人这样对待祂。祂要我们与祂有真正的交往,不仅举行宗教礼仪,也要我们认识祂,如果我们把其他事物作为生活中心,不让神来作主的话,我们就不能满足祂的期望,达到祂的要求。 

  申 5:11> 妄称神的名──我就是有点不明白…… 

  5:11 这是一条尽人皆知的诫命,吩咐人不可用空洞或轻薄的方式,妄称神的名。不过,若是奉祂的名颂赞祂,将荣耀归给祂,则是值得鼓励的。你可能非常谨慎,不妄称祂的名,不指着祂的名随便起誓,不过你预备怎样多花时间,颂赞并尊崇祂的名呢? 

  申 5:16> 孝敬父母,我有啊,给他们钱就可以了吧。你说不止于此? 

  5:16 孝顺、尊敬父母,是人一生的本分,即使他们死后,仍要继续如此行。孝敬父母的方式,包括是在他们有经济需要,或是患病、不能照顾自己的时候供养他们。不过,孝敬父母的最好方法,也许是将他们敬虔的典范,传给下一代。孝敬的方法,包括了儿女所有的生活表现──言行,理想、道德等等。你以什么方式来表示孝敬父母呢?你的生活是否能扬名声、显父母呢? 

  申 5:17> 不,不,我不会杀人的!──对这诫命,主耶稣有此说法…… 

  5:17 你可能说,我并没有杀人,不错,这算遵守了律法的字句。但是主耶稣解释,凡心里恨人,对人存有烈怒的,就是违背这条诫命(参太 5:21-22 )。别人对你不好,你心中有否向他怀怒,巴不得他早死好呢?你有否幻想杀死某人?耶稣对这条律法的教训,显示在我们内心存有犯谋杀罪的可能。即使我们在法律上清白,在道德上却都犯了杀人罪,所以应当求神赦免,并力求与人和睦,免去仇恨和恼怒。 

  申 5:21> 贪恋,我不会,羡慕倒有一点点,因为嘛,我今天所缺的好像比所有的多啊…… 

  5:21 贪恋就是想得别人的财富。我们不可贪图别人的东西。贪念不但会使我们陷于苦恼,亦会使我们犯上别的罪,例如奸淫与偷窃等。羡慕别人,心存忌妒是无益有害的事,因为神能供应我们的一切需要,即使不常将我们所想望的一切赐下,也是美意。我们应当以自己所有的为满足,除去贪心。使徒保罗特别强调知足(参腓 4:11 ),这是问题的关键。我们不应总想自己所缺的,反应感谢神已经赐下的,以此为满足。最难得的、最贵重的产业,乃是神白白赏赐、人人可得的,就是藉着主基督而得的永生。 


  申 5:29> 心里敬畏,太难了一点吧,表面崇拜就容易得多…… 

  5:29 神告诉摩西,祂惟愿以色列人存这样的心敬畏祂──由衷地尊敬祂、顺服祂。照规定做事,与发自内心而做很不相同。神并不注重表面的宗教活动,祂要我们将内心与生活,完全奉献给祂。只要爱祂,就会自然而然地顺服祂。──《灵修版圣经注释》